Well, over at The Missing Word blog, I've been given a Versatile Blogger Award! Thanks to M.J.A. Ware for bestowing it upon me!
This means I'm supposed to tell you seven things about myself, and pass the award on to seven bloggers I think deserve some honorable mention. So here goes:
1. I received the Frank Mentzer edited Basic Dungeons & Dragons red box for my 11th birthday in 1984. I still have, and use, the dice that came with it.
2. I lived in Japan for just slightly under 10 years, and I've been in Korea 3 years and counting. I can speak Japanese. I can't really speak Korean.
3. I'm currently working on a screenplay that is a samurai ghost story.
4. I attended the University of Evansville, where I studied Creative Writing.
5. I'm going to begin work on my Masters of TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) this March.
6. My first dog was a dalmatian named Pongo. We don't currently have any pets.
7. I can cook fairly decently, but my wife is so awesome in the kitchen that I rarely do anymore.
Alright, now it's time to give the Award to some of my fellow bloggers. These awards are brought to you by the Friends of Starship Warden. As most of you likely know, game designer Jim Ward, who designed Metamorphosis Alpha, Gamma World, and quite a few other games, is ill. The disease is treatable, but it's expensive. If you've ever played a game designed by Jim, based on something he designed, read one of his books, etc. please click on the link and donate whatever you can. [Josh, thanks for the reminder for me to post this!]
And now, my seven picks for Versatile Blogger Awards! (in no particular order)
Once More Unto the Breach, DRANCE's blog about his journey back into RPGs, and whatever else crosses his mind. I get inspired and excited by things I read here, as it's fairly different from my own gaming journey over the years.
Back in '81 is Yoyorobbo's gaming blog. He shares my passion for random small, cheap plastic fantasy miniatures for use in the game.
Countdown to Game Time is Bigby's Left Hand's blog. It's about games, fiction, comics, and providing groovy stuff to enhance your game.
Dangerous Brian: A Gamer's Blog is obviously by Dangerous Brian. He's currently doing a series on survival guides for low level characters which are well worth the read, even if you know it already. Never hurts to brush up on basics.
Errant RPG is Greg Christopher's home of his retro-clone and related stuff. I've found him to be articulate, creative, and generally thought provoking in his posts.
The Caffeinated Symposium is my real world buddy Dave Cesarano's blog. He goes on about mostly literature, history, and gaming. Coffee not included with the price of admission.
The Red Box Blog is The Red DM's blog. This is one of the newer blogs I'm really digging, especially because The Red DM plays and enjoys all versions of D&D. He's got a recent series of posts saying just what it is he enjoys about each version, too. Good stuff, and it's nice to see the mix of older and newer games getting some love in the same place.
Wow, it's taken me two days to pick my winners. I've got lots of great blogs on my blog roll, so it sorry if you didn't get picked. Congrats to the winners! Feel free to snag that snazzy graphic up at the top of the page and pass on the award to other blogs you enjoy!
Frightful Fridays! Blizzard Giant
4 hours ago
Well done! They look like sound choices, and it's always good to see new approaches. Please tell Dave to keep posting!
ReplyDeleteI got the Mentzer for my 11th birthday too, though it was in 1986.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the award. But like you I think it will have a hard time figuring out who to pass it one to.
Wow, thanks very much for the nomination. Seems I have some pondering to do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link! But now I have to start actually producing stuff again. The pressure! It burns!