Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Adventure Idea that would never work

Years ago, I had the not so brilliant idea to make a D&D adventure where the PCs are sent to rescue a group of elves, held in a far northern bastion of an evil Red Cleric, who was forcing them to craft magic items which he then distributed to the forces of Chaos.

Every now and then, at this time of year, I briefly revisit the idea in my head.  Despite all of the cheesy ideas I managed to pull off as RPG adventures over the years--all the bad puns, all the lame references to pop culture--I don't know if I could actually do this one with a straight face, and without my players wanting to strangle me when it's over (if they make it that far).


  1. You know, perhaps in retrospect it's just as well my players didn't get the "Merchants Weigh Inn" joke last session.

    They would have strangled me for that. Hell, they'd porbably BURN you if you tried the Santa one ;)

  2. I'm not a fan of working Santa in, but your idea disguises it well enough. I'd laugh though for sure.

  3. If you can't write it with a straight face, then write it while smiling...

    Maybe it's an idea that really wants to be a Gonzo adventure...

    A Xmas Gonzo module would make a great gift!

  4. I'd love it! My players would love it! I think the key is keeping some element of the story secret until the big reveal. You might call the Red Cleric, the Bloated One and make him sound like some kind of horrible demon... Something like that...

  5. You could totally make this work. You just need to tweet it far enough to blur the connection. And yes rescuing elves is way too on the nose.

  6. Some other possible names: The Laughing One, The All-Seer, He Who Feeds By Night.

  7. Maybe the players have to get the Spirits of Hannukah and Kwanzaa on side.

  8. Hi again,

    I've done an entry on my blog inspired by this one:

    I've included a link to your post.
