Thanksgiving week back in the U.S. and for the umpteenth time I'm going to miss all that delicious turkey, potatoes, PIE! Really miss the pie. My mom's a damn good cook. Since it's the season for giving thanks, I just wanted to express a bit of gratitude here on WaHNtHaC...
First off, it's been 2 1/2 years since I released Flying Swordsmen RPG. Thanks to everyone who's downloaded it, checked it out, and offered comments or criticism. I've gotten more positive than negative feedback on it, which is nice, but I've appreciated the people who've taken the time to point out flaws and weaknesses, or even simply didn't find it to their liking.
Huge thanks also go to those who helped me putting the game together: Daxiong Guo, who generously granted permission to use the awesome cover art. Lee Barber who took time to arrange the layout on the cover AND create the character sheet, gratis. Matt Stater and David Brawley who took time to help me edit the manuscript. Dylan Hartwell who did the sample character portraits, again for free. And lots of readers, and members of the Dragonsfoot community, who offered suggestions and ideas all through the creation process. Thank you all!
Next, I'm thankful that I've found a fun RPG community (semi-)locally. We haven't been playing much lately, but I'm hoping to turn that around soon, since my final grad school semester is almost over. From the original Board Game Group to the current Saturday Night G+ crowd, I've had some great gaming over the 6+ years I've lived in Busan.
Finally, thanks to all of you reading and responding to things I write here on the blog. The comments, and even the anonymous G+ "+1s" aren't the reason I do this, but it does give me a boost to see that other people enjoy my writing or find it useful. Especially thanks to those, like Alexis, who I tend to disagree with. If no one's challenging my ideas, I'll never be able to improve them.
Frightful Fridays! Blizzard Giant
4 hours ago
First time commenting here man, but as a fan of the original Dragon Fist I have to say that your Flying Swordmen is awesome!