John Carter opens on March 8th here in Korea. That's just about a week away.
I'd better find that copy I got from Project Gutenberg and finish reading it. I read about half of A Princess of Mars about a year ago (year and a half, maybe?) and stopped not because I didn't enjoy the story, but because it was annoying reading it on a computer screen (no Kindle or similar device), and had plenty of other print books to read.
It's not that long, so I should be able to manage.
And that brings me to this year's big fantasy/sci fi/action movies. There are some I'm really looking forward to:
John Carter
The Avengers
The Dark Knight Rises
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Those would be the ones I consider "must watch in the theater" fare.
Some others I'll see if I've got the time (not always an option with a small child and a busy schedule), and if I miss in the theaters will try to see on VOD:
The Amazing Spider-Man
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
Dark Shadows
The Expendables 2
Total Recall
47 Ronin
Red Dawn
Ones that I just don't care about:
Wrath of the Titans
Men in Black III
anything old being re-done in 3D
Got your own movie picks for 2012? Think there's something I missed that should be on one of the lists? Think something I'm looking forward to will be crap, or vice versa? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.
Revisiting The Past
1 hour ago
Iron Sky looks fun. I am disappointed that production for the Narnia series has collapsed.