Sunday, June 2, 2024

Progress Continues on TS&R

The revision/editing of my Treasures, Serpents, & Ruins Game Master Guide is going well. I'm about 2/3 through the draft. Last Friday, I made a copy of the file in order to pare it down to a table reference book. That will include all the useful charts and procedures (how to manage an exploration turn, combat round, etc.) and that includes stuff from the players books and monster books, too. 

The GMG is targeted at GMs who are new to RPGs or at least new to OSR style game play. It's got lots of explanations of how to run things, why to run them that way, and examples. Honestly, it could probably use more examples, but I've been working on it long enough. It's not perfect, but it should be good enough. 

The companion book, which I think will be called Treasures, Serpents, & Ruins Rules and Procedures, will be for the experienced GM. I plan to make it as short as possible, but a useful reference while preparing dungeons/adventures, and also while running things at the table. Experienced DMs don't need to leaf through pages of explanations and examples at the table. They need just the facts, Ma'am. 

I'm around 2/3 through the GMG draft, so if things keep up, I should be done with it soon, and ready to format the book for release. The R&P book should be a pretty quick thing to slap together, since it's just a collection of the useful charts, tables, and rules for play. 

I've been putting off a few blog post ideas I've got the past two weeks. For one thing, my mother is in the hospital and it was pretty serious, but she's recovering, so that's one load off. There's been a bit of work-related frustration as well. Not quite drama, but just annoying bureaucratic BS that we need to deal with. But I think that's mostly blown over as well. And we're rolling up on the end of the semester, so that's just generally busy. Oh, and despite all of the above, I've actually been gaming a bit too much. We played CoC last Friday evening, and I just ran my Jade campaign this afternoon. S&S board gaming on this upcoming Thursday holiday or possibly delayed until next Sunday, which is also when Dustie wants to resume her Monster of the Week (a PbtA X-Files/Stranger Things type game). And a friend of a friend has a brand new home-brew game they want to play test in two weeks. 

I also still haven't play tested my mass combat rules for TS&R with actual other people yet, so I should probably do that soon. I'd like to give them a run through with some other people. Even though they're just modifications to Mentzer's Companion Set War Machine rules, I want to make sure I haven't screwed anything up with them in my tinkering. 

Plus, it might be fun to just stage a little war game scenario for the group. I just need to find the time!

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